Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Is ‘FREE’ is the future for business on the Internet?

Giving stuff away for Free appears to be the future for business on the Internet…What lies behind this marketing strategy?

Almost any search on the Internet today will produce page after page of websites, maybe millions of them, most of which will have something for free.

In fact my own website http://www.keithdonnelly-online.com/ has an eBook and a weekly newsletter both of which are yours for FREE.

Whichever search-engine you use, be it Google, Yahoo, Ask, all remain free, advertisers bearing the cost. And, it’s a trend that is likely to continue.

It was a trend started by King Gillette who gave away millions of FREE razors to soldiers going overseas to fight during the First World War.

Later his razors were bundled with other products, like candy, making them readily available, and increasing their popularity, relying on the sale of blades, the disposable item, to produce revenue.

Similar thinking goes on behind the sales of things like bread in WalMart, where they sell it at a price to cover their costs but no more, hoping to make a profit on the other items you buy.

The text messages you send from your mobile phone may be free, the profit for the company.

So 'Free' is not only the province of the Internet...

Friday, December 23, 2011

As 2011 Closes We Look Forward To 2012

There are people who advise against too much looking back. I hope they don’t mind if we have a revue, a lot has happened this year and I have much to be grateful for and I would like to share this gratitude.

First of all, to those, on FaceBook, who are fans’, and Followers on Twitter I thank you, both. It’s good to know the Daily events on the page, with the associated video, and questions, the Blogs etc, are appreciated. I hope the happiness felt while doing them comes over the screen to you.

Then, there are those that have commented on what has been included, especially in Blogs, http://www.tkd1954.blogspot.com/
Your comments have been helpful, positive and constructive, and, again, I thank you.
Those who visit my website http://www.keithdonnelly-online.com/  I thank you, also.

Most thanks, however, must go to my wife for her support and loyalty. She has never once expressed doubt, either in me or what I am doing online and I, really, appreciate it and thank you.

Now for 2012

Bob Proctor, from the Secret, tells a story of addressing the senior executives of a well-known insurance company. They wanted to know what, in his opinion, the few years were going to be like. When he told them that things were likely to be very similar to the previous few years, they asked him to explain. What he said surprised them.

In my opinion, in 2012, as in previous years, people are going to die, but more people were going to be born. There will be disasters, both natural and man-made. Money will be made and money will be lost.

The world economic downturn, we are currently, experiencing is likely to continue, especially if people persist in talking it into being, with its’ associated feelings of lack of control, means that an online presence becomes more realistic and a real choice for more people, which must be a good thing – People taking control of their lives.

Merry Christmas & A Happy 2012

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

All I wanted was a bit of control...

The Canaries, where I am fortunate enough to live are, nominally, part of Spain.

I say that things are nominally the same here as on the Mainland. Many of the things that apply there don’t apply here. The tax systems are different, and so is welfare and social security.

Also, I am lucky enough to work on the internet despite access being somewhat erratic http://www.keithdonnelly-online.com/

One of the things that is the same here as on the Mainland, is the number of fiesta’s they have every year – Or, so one would think.

I, only mention this because the Government in Madrid has decreed that the number of days off must be reduced, and along with the ending of the Siesta – which even the loosing, Socialist government, was trying to get rid of, must be a thing of the past, in the name of efficiency.

Apparently, a modern economy cannot have its’ workers taking so many days off during the week, irrespective of
the climate, these workers toil in.

In a recent spat between Spanish and German officials, a representative from the German government suggested that if the Spanish worked as hard as the Germans, they would be equally successful.
It was, then, pointed out that in fact Spanish workers have less time off when annual leave is taken into account.
It was in this atmosphere of turmoil, in the UK that I decided to seek out opportunities for earning an income on the Internet

As I have mentioned, previously, it was a slow process. Not that I didn’t have the chance – My email inbox was packed with offers – people sending me offers, claiming I could earn thousands a month, a week, a day, all while sitting on the beach with the waves lapping at my feet.
I have to say, that once or twice I was seduced and actually parted with money, only to be disappointed.

Working here brought to mind a quote from Bob Proctor, from The Secret, who in an interview I saw, said he hadn’t worked a day since he quit as a Montreal fireman, in the mid 1960’s.

I was hearing this over 40 years after he quit fire fighting, so I thought he must have come into some money, or won the lottery. Then, just recently, I heard the explanation in a conversation he was having with a man called Lanny Morton. Bob tells Lanny that he enjoys what he does so much it can’t be considered as work.

And that summed up my feelings towards my work, on my website and writing this Blog. OK so, time can fly by and I not notice – But there’s no one standing over me telling me to hurry, or that I have to do something else.

Regards, Keith

To email me direct click HERE

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Rage Against The Machine…

There is a rock group by the same name as the title of this Blog…I hope they don’t mind me borrowing their name…

My rage is about the amount of news available to us today…every hour, on the hour!

One day recently, I accidentally put the news on as I sat down to work on my website http://www.keithdonnelly-online.com/ and heard a news item. Twelve hours later, the same news piece was still the lead. It was as if nothing else had happened throughout the day.

And not just on TV either …

Here, at Chez Donnelly, we don’t have the TV on much, unless memsahib wants to watch re-runs of Dallas & Dynasty available from the CBS digi-box, so we have the radio. Even then we get it – the same order and intensity but without the pictures.

I’m not sure which is worse – seeing it on the screen of the telly, or on the screen of my mind, which is what radio does – Forces you to imagine the things described by the newsreader – Every hour – On the hour.

Wallace Wattles, in his book ‘The Science of Getting Rich’, guards us against the study of famine, poverty, sickness for to do so will make you, temporarily, one of them and impede any progress being made in the study of getting rich.

Here’s a question for you - Who decides what IS news on any given day? What criteria do they use? Do you get asked?

In a recent report of a shooting at, yet another, US College the death-toll was put at four, only for a downward revision, to be placed in the scroll-bar at the bottom of the screen a few hours later. No mention of it came from the Newsreader.

Another problem is the immediacy of news reporting.

It was said that, when the volcano in Krakatoa erupted in 1883, it took three months for the news to reach Britain.
When John F Kennedy was assassinated, in 1963, it took a few hours for news to reach the outside world.

This week we hear there’s a monsoon in the Philippines and within minutes its’ on the air…On a TV and a radio near you…

I understand that from a humanitarian perspective it helps with aid and assistance but do we need to see people clinging for their lives onto the roofs of buildings, over and over, hour after hour?

If you have any comment please CLICK HERE TO EMAIL ME

Monday, December 19, 2011

Does anyone know where Google Street is?

The reason I ask, is that in a previous life I used to drive a taxi and last night I had a dream…

In my dream I was back taxi driving and had been given a job from
Google Street
…of all places.

As it was quite a distance from my base, I was reluctant
to take the job, when the controller told me that they had asked for me specifically, by name, as it were…

Unfortunately, I awoke before the end of the dream…

As you probably know I have a website http://www.keithdonnelly-online.com/ and had viewed it just before bed. 

If there is anyone who interprets dreams would like to give me an in-site or an explanation I would be grateful – You can e-mail me here... Keith

Saturday, December 17, 2011

To Avoid Any Confusion…

I received an email from a reader, asking about the name of my Blog, which, from now on, will be under the name above, so as to match my Facebook name(Keith Donnelly-Make Money On Line) which you can find here... www.fb.com/keithdonnellypage

There’s also, a website, http://www.keithdonnelly-online.com/ which you might be interested in – There’s FREE stuff to which you are more than welcome!

As you can imagine, one thing a Blog writer should avoid, is confusing readers, that’s Blog-writing 101, so apologies for that.

He, also, asked why write the Blog in the first place? That’s a good question – That caused me to stop and think WHY I was writing this. And these are the conclusions I came too.

Firstly, it’s because I hopefully, have something to say, but not only that, and more importantly, something you want to read – And again, hopefully, to say it in a humorous and engaging way, with honesty and integrity. So, that the enjoyment of writing it comes off the page to you, the reader – This Blog is nothing without someone to read the words…to comment, to share it and, hopefully, pass it on to others.

This is not a Blog where you will hear of ‘Get Rich Quick’ schemes. The zillions of Pounds, Dollars, Euro or any other currency, you care to mention, into your bank account overnight, type of hype, we have all encountered in our Spam-boxes.

There is no doubt that this has happened – In deed, I know of one man who earned One Million Dollars in 24 hours recently, but that happens rarely, and in this particular, case after years of work, commitment and of list-building.

Money can be made online - And big money at that, but it takes time, patience, persistence and it does take investment…Not as much as if you had a ‘physical’, bricks and mortar, high-street presence but investment is required. Not only money investment but time… and all the attributes mentioned earlier.

I’m not sure of the protocol – Use of the first person (I), Does it cause confusion or spoil your enjoyment? I certainly hope not… So there we have it – And I hope you like it…To email me Click here...

Regards, Keith

Friday, December 16, 2011

Does This Sound Like Someone You Know?

Imagine this, if you will – its mid-January this year, Christmas has gone and the New Year Sales are shuddering to a halt, shoppers having spent their money earlier and the shop is empty when you enter except for the staff. There are two – he’s mid to late 30’s, she’s a bit younger, maybe mid 20’s.

You take out the super-duper new 3G phone, the unexpected gift, your wife bought you and tell them that its’ not working quite as well as you had expected. They ask what the problem is.

Repeating what you have already tried telling the customer enquiries people, by phone, at premium rate, without success you proceed to tell them that the free SKYPE phone-to-phone calling for a start. Then there’s the fact that E-mail isn’t quite as reliable as their Christmas adverts suggested. In fact it doesn’t work at all.

You know you sound like a whiner - but after all someone spent good money on it!

OK, so you are a pre-pay customer – Would anyone, really, upgrade to a contract when things aren’t working properly?

They are questions they ask – You answer the best you can.

Then the looks come - At first it’s just a raising of the eyebrow - Her to him.
They talk about ‘pushing’ something and ‘pulling’ something else. Then they speak of settings and they are away.

Despite having a website up and running, with a free e-Book for anyone to download www.keithdonnelly-online.com you are made to feel like an imbecile.

Then you remember that phone calls, the main reason for you having a phone, in the first place, are being suddenly cut off, or ‘dropped’, which is the correct term.

On mentioning this she asks where you live – You tell her and without even going to the computer she says that where you live is on the boundary of the signal.

Then there’s the shake of the head, just a little twitch, as if this isn’t embarrassing enough, already.

If they know this already, why did no-one mention it when the phone was bought, you ask? Silence – More looks between them. More raised eyebrows.

You feel uncomfortable but it’s just that you are unused to this new technology.

A search of Blogs and newsletters, aimed at ‘educating’ people is evidence that, despite the sites being aimed at those without any technical knowledge, the writers who appear to be the same age as the sales staff mentioned above. Despite claiming to cater for, and understand the predicament they find themselves each of the Blog items viewed quickly gets on to their, respective writers’ favourite subject, usually ‘social media’.

This is not meant to be interpreted as a slight on the Blog writer - It’s just that some are not brought up with the language of the Internet. Somehow it passed us by.

This was one of the reasons that a Blog dedicated to people, came about – to try and help those who have a desire to do so, to learn, to understand, to navigate their way through all aspects of new technology. Maybe you are from a different country where English, especially American English isn’t your first language.

Within days of setting up the website mentioned earlier there was a second one, dedicated to those who suffer from Migraine, also with a complimentary e-Book www.keithdonnelly-online.com/index1.html

Comments are always appreciated, so feel free by clicking here



Thursday, December 15, 2011

Where did my previous Blogs go?

Hello, I'm Keith and I'm new to Blogging - Well almost!

You see, I wrote two items, a week or so ago, and then went on holiday only to find, when I returned, that Google had changed and my Blogs were no more! Not to worry...

So who is this Blog aimed at? Good question - You see not only am I new to Blogging but I'm new to the Internet, relatively, there I have saidf it. I have managed to build my own website - here's the address if you want to look.  http://www.keithdonnellyonline.com/

So back to the question - Who is this Blog aimed at?

Well, anyone who wishes to participate. You see, being a convert to the Internet, and a believer in what can be done online I want others to join me...If you want, what is euphemistically, called an 'online presence', such as your own website - to earn an income, so much the better. If you have problems with technology then there is someone you can bring them too. Not that I profess to be an expert - Far from it. But if I can't answer your question - I know a man who does.

If you wish to be a reader, and post comments, you too are most welcome.

Age, nor gender are an obstacle to joining me here...And so if you wish to email me click HERE - I look forward hearing from you, Keith