Wednesday, January 4, 2012

This is how Google works...

As you are probably aware Google is a Search Engine. It’s where people go to search for things on the Internet. Google isn’t the only one but it’s the biggest, most well-known and the one that will be using here.

As an Internet Marketer one method of getting traffic to our Website or Squeeze Page is know as Search Engine Optimization (SEO). It’s not the only way – Many people choose to use other methods to drive traffic to their site, but more of that later.

Google uses a system where it ranks pages from a website – Not websites themselves, but pages – So a website with hundreds of pages might have, only a few ranked by Google.

So using Google we can search for something, using what is known as a keyword In this context, a keyword is actually a string of words we use for the search. When you press search results will be provided – This results page is known as SERPS, which stands for Search Engine Results Pages.

SERPS pages are actually two sets of results – The ones in pale pink, at the top and down the right hand side of the screen are what is known as sponsored results, meaning someone has paid for them, not for them to appear, but when they are clicked on the owner has to pay Google. These sponsored or paid results amount to about 15% of the page.

The remainder, the majority, are known as organic in as much as the search engine, in this case Google picked these pages from their relative websites as they matched the keyword we entered in the first place. They, also, happen to be the most popular for people click on.

Being placed on page one of a search is what everyone wants – And who wouldn’t when it can mean thousands of visits to your website per month…So how do we get on to page one?

Google wants people to trust them, they want the customer experience to be a good one…It’s no good for Google if someone searches for holidays and the results pages for clothes, say, comes back.

Google uses algorithms, to determine, which pages appear at the top of any search. Parts of this algorithm start with good Content – Google reward good content with a high ranking in SERPS.
They, also, reward Backlinks – Backlinks are links from the page selected back to the website or to another page of the same website…
If the site that presented the page, is a popular site, so much the better, as it adds to credibility, the page and to Google’s.

So Google like Content and Backlinks (Now for the bombshell) Google do NOT like squeeze pages.  All we have is a squeeze page. Does that matter where content is concerned, I hear you ask? Why waste out time trying to get our page on to Google if they don’t like them?

OK, so your squeeze page might not get onto page one of Google, but there is a way you can…not for your squeeze page itself, obviously…and the way of appearing on page one of Google is…by writing keyword-rich articles (keyword research is covered in a separate article), which you then post to an article directory, such as E-zine articles which, already has fresh content to it and links it, both helping with Google’s requirements…what, really, could happen? You could be on a page at E-zine with Google’s liking for pages…and you have an article accepted and with Google’s love of this site you could be swept along…too a successful page one showing…And shows how Google works…
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