Monday, January 9, 2012

Opportunity Knocking Twice? I Think Not!

Anyone searching for a business on the Internet cannot fail to be impressed by the range of markets available.

What may not be obvious, at first, are the two differing philosophies about how to attract prospects.

One says to build your list – offer FREE ‘stuff’, direct the prospect to a squeeze page, get them to sign, then build a relationship, rapport, even…and they will buy your product.

The other appears to say – Get a sign-up form in front of the prospect as soon as possible, get them to part with their money and onto the next prospect…

The former takes time, patience and belief.
The latter I’m not so sure about…

If that sounds a bit cynical, I apologise…The thing that prompted these thoughts is my receiving an email from someone I hadn’t heard of for well over two years.

Our first contact was due to me replying to an offer for he had for me…In his email, he phrased it as an ‘opportunity’, and I duly parted with my money.

This most recent contact also included an ‘opportunity’. Long story, short, it started by telling me how he had made $20,000 in one weekend and how I could as well!

Wow! I read further…

He had made the $20,000 and a further sum, I can’t remember how much, but it had zeros, many zeros after it. His associates had done the same…I was, almost, hooked once again – Almost.

The alarm bells started ringing when I reread the email, it brought back memories, of what I now know, are the subconscious tactics used to unsettle the reader, the “buy now before its gone! For a limited time only!” You know the sort of thing.

The emails continued. The next told me how many of his associates had also made thousands, again, over night.

One included an attachment to be emailed to everyone name on my email list (Spamming, surely).

Was I naïve to join in the first place?
Possibly - I prefer to think I was a novice and didn’t know any better. (Experience can be expensive…)

Then the memory of why I quit, in the first place, came back to me. It revolved around me having a problem, one that I needed help with… I had assumed there was Support as part of my membership; I emailed him asking for help.
I can’t remember all the details of the reply, but I do remember the bit where he wrote that “he didn’t get paid enough to train me”.

OK, so I’m older now, wiser - not as naïve, sorry, I meant new…I was able to see through the tactics he used and was still using, and then it struck me… He HAD built his list…Not in the way that I’m building mine, but he had built it. His associates had used the same methods, presumably (birds of a feather flocking together).
How long it had taken him, I’m don’t know, and I must admit, I don’t care – His way is not my way…

If you enjoyed reading this article, you can find more at www.keithdonnelly-online.com including a FREE eBook, a weekly magazine and how-too video’s, again all for FREE

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